Treatments | Anti-Ageing Treatments for Men
What Anti-ageing options are available?
At The Skin Investment Clinic, we offer a range of solutions to help you look and feel your best.
The first method involves removing dead or tired skin cells, which is done with skin peels, Hyperbaric Oxygen or Microdermabrasion. These treatments revitalise the skin and encourage it to become stronger and healthier. The second method involves anti-ageing injections using natural substances. These allow the skin to grow plumper and fuller, thus filling in the indentations that show up as lines and wrinkles.
We offer a range of injections including Botox, Dermal Filler or Profhilo. Generally, the only discomfort with injections is a slight sensation from the needle and there are very few after-effects.
Treatment from:
Are Botox injections safe around the eyes?
Yes, anti-ageing injections such as Botox are safe to use for wrinkles around the eyes. However, never trust an unqualified, un-regulated practitioner to carry out this treatment. Under the surface of our skin is a complex network of nerves and muscles so a qualified health professional is best placed to deliver anti-ageing injections.
How can I prevent wrinkles?
Ageing skin is a part of life, but there are some measures we can take to help slow the process down, such as:
- Wear sunscreen daily
- Wear a wide–brimmed sunhat, and sunglasses
- Use skin care products containing anti-ageing ingredients such as peptides and vitamin A
- Avoid smoking
- Invest in professional skin treatments that stimulate collagen production.
How can I get rid of crow’s feet?
Crow’s feet are wrinkles which appear around the eyes as we age. There are targeted anti-ageing treatments which can drastically reduce the appearance of crow’s feet, as well as topical anti- wrinkle eye creams and serums which can help to soften them.
How to get rid of wrinkles?
Wrinkles, though inevitable, need not be permanent. There are several professional skin treatments designed to address fine lines and wrinkles and even help prevent them. These include anti-ageing injectable treatments designed to strip back ageing skin and encourage collagen production, other treatments can also help such as microdermabrasion and chemical peels.