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Expert Advice | Pigmented Skin

Vitamin A

Vitamin A acts as a powerful skincare supplement which can help tackle a whole range of skincare woes. By repairing skin damage on a cellular level, Vitamin A can help to re-educate the skin, normalising frustrating imbalances and helping our skin keep in check. Abnormal skin pigmentation, also known as hyperpigmentation, occurs when there is an excess production of melanin, the pigment that gives our skin, hair and eyes their colour. Vitamin A can help to normalise melanin production, preventing new patches from appearing and can also generate cell health, slowing down the production of the protective pigment which leads to hyper pigmentation.

Vitamin C

Due to the fact that our bodies cannot naturally produce Vitamin C, we need to ensure that we maintain a regular daily intake to promote the natural benefits to our skin. Nearly 97% of women have less than 200mg daily, and nutritionist suggest we should take 2000mg per day to attain the best results.

Vitamin C is photo protective, meaning it can help boost the skins natural SPF. By inhibiting tyrosinase activity Vitamin C stimulates the skin to reduce pigmentation. In addition to this, Vitamin C is excellent at brightening skin, great for people with pigmentation concerns or stressed and tired complexions.

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